The girl on popular demand came back with the videos part 2 in which she showcases some other emoji expressions. The people took to the comments section to praise her dancing skills and expressions. She continued, "Is this what our country is talking about? Is this the respect that a woman gives another woman in our society? It is my humble request to you Modi ji that please give us a card just like senior citizens have." Since being shared, the dance videos part 1 has got more than 35,000 likes and the netizens are mesmerised by her performance.
But every time I go on my professional visits, each time, I am stopped at the airport, and when I request them at the security, to the CISF officials, that please do an ETD (Explosive Trace Detector) test for my artificial limb, they still want me to remove my artificial limb and show it to them. Mumbai Oct 22 PTI Narrating the ordeal she goes through at the airports during security checks actor and well-known Bharatanatyam dancer Sudhaa Chandran has made an appeal to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to provide a special card to people with artificial limbsThe 56-year-old actor posted a video on her Instagram page on Thursday evening and said she is totally hurt to go through the grill at. The job of the feet is walking but the hobby is dancing. The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance. I have danced with an artificial limb and created history, making my country proud. Here we collect these collections of dance quotes for Instagram.

Rukmini Vijayakumar is a well-known Indian choreographer as well as a Bharatanatyam dancer and has choreographed many South Indian films. Since being posted on April 10, it has got over 6.5 lakh views and has so far been liked by more than 96,000 people.

And, with those moves, its not hard to see why. Photos are the reel of your life to revive you and give you a perspective Arangetram is the debut on-stage performance of Indian classical dance, such as Kathak, Kuchipudi, Manipuri, Kathakali, Bharatanatyam, Mohiniattam and vocal and instruments like. "This is an appeal to the central government and the state government," said Sudhaa, adding, "I am Sudhaa Chandran, an actor and dancer by profession. The video has been garnering positive responses all over social media. Arangetram photography and videography by CandleLight Studio Photographers of New York. She said she is grilled each time and stated that it 'hurts'. Sudhaa, who uses an artificial limb, posted a video on her Instagram handle, in which she shared her account of going through airport security each time and having to remove her artificial limb or show it to the authorities to get a security clearance.
But every time I go on my professional visits, each time, I am stopped at the airport, and when I request them at the security, to the CISF officials, that please do an ETD (Explosive Trace Detector) test for my artificial limb, they still want me to remove my artificial limb and show it to them.Popular TV star and accomplished Bharatanatyam dancer, Sudhaa Chandran, on Thursday, shared a video on social media recorded on the selfie mode of her mobile camera, requesting Prime Minister Narendra Modi to issue a specific card for specially challenged senior citizens like her so that they can avoid being grilled and humiliated by the airport authorities. Sudha, who uses an artificial limb, posted a video on her Instagram handle, in which she shared her account of going through this security "grill each time" and stated that it "hurts." "This is an appeal to the central government and the state government," said Sudha, adding, "I am Sudhaa Chandran, an actor and dancer professionally, I have danced with an artificial limb and created history, making my country proud. Mumbai (Maharashtra), October 22 (ANI): Popular TV actor and accomplished Bharatanatyam dancer, Sudhaa Chandran, on Thursday, requested Prime Minister Narendra Modi to issue a specific card for senior citizens like her so that they can avoid being "grilled" by the airport authorities.